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  • Naimisha 2022

    Name of CPIODesignationTelephone Number
    Dr. Shashi BalaCurator011-23071005

    The Director,
    National Gallery of Modern Art,
    Ministry of Culture, Government of India
    Jaipur House, Sher Shah Road
    New Delhi 110003
    Telephone Number : 011-23386111

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    NGMA Bengaluru - Activities at NGMA


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    National Gallery of Modern Art, Bengaluru
    (Ministry of Culture, Government of India)
    in collaboration with
    Gandhi Centre for Science and Human Values
    invites you to the virtual talk on
    on Saturday, 19th December 2020 at 4.00 pm, live on facebook.com/ngmaBengaluru
    by Prof. Sharada Srinivasan, School of Humanities, NIAS
    The lecture will provide a panoramic view of some highlights of the vibrant and rich legacy of sculptural art of the Indian subcontinent, in stone and metal through the ages, from the Indus Valley period into the medieval period. The spectacular array of sculptural styles of Hindu, Buddhist, and Jaina affiliations would be touched upon from moving the early historic period, such as of Gandhara, Mauryan, Shunga, Satavahana etc, to the early and later medieval periods in the Himalayan, northern, western, eastern and southern parts of India, covering the art of significant dynasties such as the Guptas, Palas, Solanki, Chalukya, Rashtrakuta, Pallava, Chola, Hoysala, Vijayanagara and so on. Some of the cross-cultural interactions with respect to East Asia and the West would also be pointed to. The role of scientific investigations such as archaeometallurgical and geological studies and digital heritage studies in gaining more insights into some of the art-historical aspects of sculpture, particularly from southern India would also be briefly touched upon.

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