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    Dr. Shashi BalaCurator011-23071005

    The Director,
    National Gallery of Modern Art,
    Ministry of Culture, Government of India
    Jaipur House, Sher Shah Road
    New Delhi 110003
    Telephone Number : 011-23386111

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    Mumbai - December 11th 2007 - January 1st 2008
    "I give you pure joy"
    Constantin Brancusi

    The exhibition ARCHETYPES is a tribute to Constantin Brancusi (1876-1957), the sculptor who is assessed worldwide as the main promoter of the non-figurative art in the XXth century Europe. The exhibition comprises a series of works of noted Romanian contemporary artists, whose vision and artistic endeavors are relevant of Brancusi's conceptualization of art.

    The exhibition ARCHETYPES is brought to India due to the special support of the Romanian Cultural Institute, and the- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Romania.

    The Indian Partner is the National Gallery of Modern Art.


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    Paying tribute to Brancusi is also paying tribute to the Indian art and civilization, which greatly influenced the sculptor's vision. After a short sojourn In India In the 30s, Brancusi took a deeper interest in the Buddhist art, with Its symbols, canonic representations and folk tales. Commissioned by the maharaja of Indore to build a "Temple of Meditation", Brancusi imagined it in the shape of an egg, a cosmological symbol, found in many ancient religions, Hinduism included,

    Constantin Brancusi Is now part of the world artistic heritage. On the occasion of his 50 years commemoration, we also want to evoke his Romanian origin. Brancusi is born in a small Romanian village, named Hobita. The craftsmanship and the decorative motives of the folk art of the village were well known to Brancusi, who, all along his life, will take Inspiration from this arctic legacy. His studio in Paris offered to the visitors - Romanians and French alike - a typical Romanian interior decoration and set-up, an emotional reminder of his Hobita.

    While in Paris, as disciple of Auguste Rodin, Brancusi came Into contact with the European artistic trends of that time (beginning of XXth century). Though ha praised his master, Brancusi felt the urge to liberate the art, to give it a new breath. He created through his works a special world, purified of unnecessary details, reduced to the substance. The works of Brancusi brought an afresh vision to the European art; Brancusi has merely sculptured things and beings, Instead, he sculptured ideas, archetypes...

    AUREL VLAD graduated from the sculpture section of The Institute of Fine Arts "Nicolac Grigorescu", Bucharest, Romania, in 1984. He held several personal exhibitions in Romania And Germany and exhibited in prestigious group exhibitions all over Europe and in Japan. For his outstanding contribution to the development of arts he has been awarded several distinctions: "Third Prize of the Fuento Palmera sculpture symposium, Spain; The .Jon Andreesou" Prize of the Romanian Academy; National Order "Pentru Merit" - Commander; Greet Prize of the Art Saloon of the Bucharest Municipality; The Prize for Sculpture of the Union of the Fine Artists of Romania; "Dimitrie Paciurea" scholarship. Since 1990, Aurel Vlad is employed as Lecturer, Doctor in Visual Arts, at the Arts University of Bucharest, the Sculpture section.

    ADRIAN ILFOVEANU was taught painting at an early age, in his father's studio. In 1995, he graduated from Bucharest Art Academy where currently he is Assistant Professor at the Sculpture Department, In the same year, he attends a study program offered by Lions Group, during which he makes his first monument al Etlingen,' called "Triumph Arch". In 1999, Adrian Ilfoveanu is part of a group exhibition together with his father and writer Stefan Agopian at the Romanian Literature Museum entitled "Maculate Conception1". He has held several solo exhibitions abroad; in Germany, at Valbert, in Denmark, at Copenhagen, and. at Littman & White Gallery, Portland, USA., In 2002 he received Young Debut Artist of the Year Award, granted by Romanian Fine Art Association for his artistic activity.

    In 2005,. A. Ilfoveanu presented at Brancovan Palaces a large synthesis of his works made in the last eight years in his studio at Radesti, Arges,

    DARIE DUP is currently teaching at the sculpture department at the National University of Arts, Bucharest. He is a graduate of the Fine Arts institute "Nicolac Grigorescu", Bucharest, Romania. His works were part of several group exhibitions in Romania and abroad (Serbia, Spain. Holland, Italy. Belgium, Hungary). His personal exhibitions have been organized both in Romania and abroad, Jo 1995, he was invited to the Venetian Biennale.

    Darie Dup has been awarded important prizes, distinctions, and scholarships: First Prize for Sculpture, Frederick Storck Scholarship, UAP First Prize for Sculpture. UAP Prize far Environmental Art, Research Scholarship, Rome, Italy. His works can be found in prestigious collections: Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Museum of the University of Phoenix Arizona, The Roumanian Royal Gallery of Art.

    REKA DUP CSAPO pursued her studies at prestigious universities in Romania: "Ion Andreescu" Art University. C!uj,Graphie Arts; Academy of Art Bucharest, Graphic Arts, Sculpture Department, Academy of Art, Bucharest. She was invited to exhibit at several group exhibitions in Romania and abroad, among which: Student-fest Timisoara, in 1993; Exhibition at the National Academy of Art, Budapest, Hungary, in 1994; "National Theatre Gallery", Bucharest, in 1995; "Mucsamok Gallery", Budapest, Hungary, in 1998; Biennalc of the Fire, Bucharest, in 1998; " Galerihuset", Kobcnhavn, Denmarc, in 1999; Sculpture Symposium, Merges, Switzerland, in 1999; "Credit Agricolc" Angers, France, in 2001; "UNA Gallery", Bucharest; in 2007.


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